Our Mission

SignPost was founded to create BreastDefense, a new class of precise diagnostic tests for breast cancer, based on recent advances in molecular medicine.

SignPost is at the forefront, globally, in accelerating the move toward precision medicine.

"You might have cancer"

SignPost turns the devastating might of traditional screening to the correct diagnosis, allowing for timely care.

Our innovative BreastDefense solution powers early cancer detection that differentiates cancer from normal tissue.

SignPost balances an extremely low false positive rate, or specificity, with a very low false negative rate, or sensitivity.

Women Deserve Better - Survivors Deserve Better

BreastDefense can detect all major sub-types of breast cancer (for stages 1-4) with a test that balances 98.5% for both sensitivity and specificity. BreastDefense will distinguish benign cells from those containing invasive breast cancer. BreastDefense aims to achieve the same degree of accuracy in monitoring remission.

Once breast cancer treatments are completed, survivors want to monitor remission.

It can be a time of worry for women who fear the cancer could come back.

BreastDefense, an easy and routine blood draw will put these fears at bay.